Ashamed that his rise to social prominence is on account of a convict, Pip feels that he really is now inadequate for Estella, and it is for this reason that he feels that it is necessary to leave her forever. After a bitter and unfriendly meeting with Drummle, Pip heads to the Satis House to see Miss Havisham and Estella one more time. Inside, Pip is furious at Miss Havisham for leading him on for so many years, and cultivating the idea that she was his patron. When Pip confronts her and tells her what she has done to him, Miss Havisham denies nothing, and initially shows no regret. Yet after many days, and another visit to her home, Miss Havisham bursts into tears and realizes what she has done. For Miss Havisham once knew how it felt to have her heart broken, and Pip needlessly felt the intense pain that she went through, even though he had done nothing to deserve it. Pip then turns to Estella and tells her that in case she has not noticed, he has loved her for a very long time. Estella, as cold and hard-hearted as ever, responds by telling Pip that she is incapable of loving anyone, and that Pip is the only man whom she never deceived. Estella even goes on to say that she plans on marrying Drummle. Even in Pip's rage, he still advises Estella to stay away from Drummle, because he is truly unfit for a lady like Estella. Pip lets go of all his emotions and feelings and tells Estella that she will never leave his mind, for she is all and everything he sees in the world.
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