Away from England, Pip has learned to make a modest living for himself by doing an honest day's work at the mercantile firm with Herbert. This was contrary to his gentlemanly ways of the fore. Eleven year's later Pip returns to England transformed into a man of honest means. His first endeavor is to seek out his childhood caretakers Biddy and Joe. Although he had sought to marry Biddy, he was taken aback to hear that Joe is now her husband and that they have a little boy named Pip. Though crestfallen, Pip feels honored that he is still held in esteem by Joe and Biddy and that they named their only son after him. To rekindle his memories with Estella he seeks to revisit the Satis House. He is dismayed to discover that the house does stand anymore. His longing for Estella is intense, and he envisions Estella in those surroundings. The unconscious mind meets the conscious, as Estella appears in the misty garden, almost like a dream. As Pip and Estella walked hand in hand reminiscing in the camouflage of the mist, the future seemed awash with possibilities and wonders.
Pip, a blacksmith, a gentleman, a modest employee in a mercantile firm, a boy with great expectations and a man thwarted in love and faith felt like that all these past events submerged into this one moment, the one moment as he walked hand and hand with Estella. Pip was finally at home...
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