So Pip is a gentleman, but is him are the means in which he achieved this status legitimate. This is the question that torments Pip every moment that he is with Magwitch, and even when he is by himself. Finally Pip and Herbert come to an agreement that Pip should not use anymore of Magwitch's money, and instead help Magwitch return safely to his home. What is strange about this situation, is that Pip would have most likely continued to spend money if Miss Havisham was his benefactor, but since Magwitch is from the criminal class, he quite possibly could have accumulated his fortune in dishonest ways.
The decision to not accept Magwitch's wealth anymore, is one that must have taken exceptional discipline and is truly reflective of Pip's honor and dignity. Because Pip refuses to inherit Magwitch's wealth, he will eventually lose his gentleman title, but at least he will make a living that he is truly proud of.
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